Monday, October 24, 2011

Diet Dew!

Who doesn't know that awesome design of a mtn dew can?! This can has been changed many times throughout the years, with many different flavors. My favorite is the diet dew can. It has a lighter contrast than the original mtn dew that in my opinion helps bring it out and pop. Many people may not like the diet dew but the design on the can is awesome :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Two Loves

These are absolutly my two favorite things in the world. I wear these wrist bands every single day. The left one is my love and support for my idol Taylor Swift! I love her more than anything. The right one is my support for "To Write Love On Her Arms" which if many don't know, it's a non profit organization to help teens with depression and to help provide counseling for these people to let them know they have support. I love these bands especially the TWLOHA because of the colors just out at me. I love the design on both of them. On the other side of the Taylor Swift one, it say "Speak Now" in red. Which is the name of her recent album :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Soul Of A Citizen

This is a book I had to have for my English class. It's has many different short storties in it that tells about how people overcome and help change their communties for the better. I chose this as my blog because i like how they use large font and use a sunset for the background. When I think of soul, I think something calm, something that means a lot to you. I thought it was very nicely designed.